Happy & Empowered

Coaching - Creativity - Coherence


What is Next?


Life Coaching

I recently heard somebody saying, there are two ways of seeing the world around you. Number one: some people see the things they want. Number two: some people see the things that prevent them to get there.

Well, let’s say that those two are two of the many ways of seeing the world around you. (…)


Teen’s coaching

How to raise happy teens? The common wish that every parent has for their kids is for them to be happy and balanced… responsible, successful and resilient… What else? What do YOU want for your teen? What is really important for you and your kids? (…)

Coffee & Coaching for Parents

Starting on Tuesday, March 31st

I am happy to invite you to my free « Coffee & Coaching for parents » online sessions starting on Thursday 26th at 8:30 GMT.

Parents vs. Chaos: Throughout this unprecedented crisis, as we navigate our way through the challenges of coronavirus, create a special learning space for you, parents and adults. How to leave surviving mode and start to thrive. (…)


Systemic Coaching

Create your Vision - Focus on what’s important - Get it done!


Krisztina Wighardt PCC, ICF

Krisztina Wighardt

As a professional coach, facilitator, trainer and speaker, I am passionate about human's innate power to create their own happiness and success. 

For the past 18 years, I have developed a powerful systemic, radical yet down to earth approach to support individuals and teams to change, thrive and create positive growth. 

Globetrotter, entrepreneur, I have lived and worked in many countries in the world. Always stunned by the beauty of human differences and the amazing power of a coaching space to bring people together. (…)



“The size of your dreams must always exceed your current capacity to achieve them. If your dreams do not scare you, they are not big enough.”

Ellen Johnson Sirleaf


What you need to know?



Be Inspired & Empowered



Feminin Leadership



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