LA question que vous vous êtes toujours posée : Qu’est ce que le coaching professionnel aujourd’hui ? Et au final est-ce l’outil dont j’ai besoin afin de développer ma vie dans le sens que je souhaite ?

I recently heard somebody saying, there are two ways of seeing the world around you. Number one: some people see the things they want. Number two: some people see the things that prevent them to get there.

Well, let’s say that those two are two of the many ways of seeing the world around you.

Sometimes, people can find themselves in a difficult situation not knowing how to get out of it or which direction to take. They are missing the vision of what they want. They know what they don’t want but don’t know what they do want. Sometimes people have multiple choices and they are scared to choose, scared to fail or scared to hurt somebody. Sometimes people get stuck on the path of achieving their desired outcomes. Apparently successful people may live their life with a sense of no purpose, always looking for true happiness. 

So, here is the thing. Coaching is a tool that will assist you to connect or creating the missing parts.

I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; And because I cannot do everything I will not refuse to do the something that I can do.
— Helen Keller

Coaching will support you to get inspired and get the answer to ONE of the most important questions you need to ask yourself: What do you want? Your coach will inspire you to create a vision of your best possible future. 

Coaching is a safe and confidential space where you will be able to reflect on what is really important for you. What does it mean for you to live a purpose-driven life? 

Then, go after the things you want!

Identify the obstacles that prevent you to get there and create strategies or alternative pathways to get there, anyway. Coaching is also a space of learning and forgiveness. Learning about yourself. Rediscover the person who you truly are. Identify the habits and behaviours that serve you and those that are less useful.

Then, act on them and change them.


What is NOT coaching?

Consulting is the art of looking at analytical data and being able to make recommendations to their clients so will be able to get a particular result or to solve a specific problem.

Therapists deal with the trauma that has happened in the past. They aim to create behavioural changes by working with the past life events of their clients. Therapy has been recommended to deal with phobias and any dysfunctional behaviours such as addictions.

Systemic Coaching uses various techniques that may have been borrowed from the therapeutic field, consulting or training.

What is coaching? What is a coach?

A coach is someone who helps you to imagine a greater possibility for yourself. And then supports you in achieving it.

Coaching focuses on the future. It opens a conversation about the possibilities and solutions that lie in the future. It works with the client being able to see positive and possible changes they will be able to create for themselves.

Throughout powerful solution-focused questions, we will also explore if this future vision is truly aligned with your most important values and on who you really are.

Then, coaching uses the talent of the client to create a path to get to this future vision. The coach will inspire and assist the client along the way to make this vision a reality.

As coaches, we open up a space for deep reflection. We strongly show up for our clients so they can create their best vision of the future filled with possibilities. We support them to create action steps to achieve that future, that life they have always desired.

Now Take action for yourself!

Book a free 30 minutes intake session and discover if coaching is your best next step. The session can be on the phone or on zoom from the comfort of your home or from your office. I can also meet you at our Edinburgh’s office.