Happy @ Schools

Coaching - Creativity - Coherence


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“The size of your dreams must always exceed your current capacity to achieve them. If your dreams do not scare you, they are not big enough.”

Ellen Johnson Sirleaf


What is Next?


SOLUTION-FOCUSED coaching toolkit

For teachers, school leaders, and support staff

Our solution-focused coaching toolkit is a complete and modular training program exclusively developed for teachers, school leaders and support staff. 

We all know that schools are going through a great deal of change. Today, more than ever is the right time to rethink and rebuild your posture as a teacher the way you want to see yourself. This customized training program will assist you to create a deeper connection with your pupils, to develop a possibility oriented (…)

resilience training program

Resilience training program

For teachers, school leaders and support staff

Our resilience training program provides simple yet powerful techniques that will support you and your staff to become more balanced, less stressed, improve your health and build effective relationships with colleagues and family.

Topics of this workshop include understanding, learn and practising self-regulation technics to build resilience; improving problem-solving and decision-making ability; improving quality of communication and overall organization climate; integrating heart coherence techniques into everyday routine. (…)

Heart coherence as a life skillset

For pupils

Our Heart Coherence as a Life skill set for pupils, a classroom-based learning program, supports children to understand how the heart works and how to create new habits for a healthier life. 

Our little humans are growing up in a highly changing, fast-paced and complex world. At the Heartist & Co, we think, teaching social and emotional learning skills is not only important but vital to rebalance and fully support the other areas of the Curriculum. (…)


Systemic Coaching

Create your Vision - Focus on what’s important - Get it done!


Krisztina Wighardt PCC, ICF

Krisztina Wighardt

As a professional coach, facilitator, trainer and speaker, I am passionate about human's innate power to create their own happiness and success. 

For the past 18 years, I have developed a powerful systemic, radical yet down to earth approach to support individuals and teams to change, thrive and create positive growth. 

Globetrotter, entrepreneur, I have lived and worked in many countries in the world. Always stunned by the beauty of human differences and the amazing power of a coaching space to bring people together. (…)